Candle Safety Labels

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Pictogram Safety Sticker

If you are making candles and selling or giving them to others you should label the candle or box that the candles are in with a safety sticker. The label is adhesive and measures 80mm high and 50mm wide.

Pictogram Safety Label

Large Candle Safety Sticker

Our professionally printed warning labels are glossy with an easy to read bold font. They don't smear or fade like homemade labels, giving your candles a polished look. The large labels have a diameter of 50mm.

Candle Safety Label

Small Candle Safety Sticker

The warning sticker also states proper burn instructions, as well as general candle safety. The small labels have a diameter of 32mm. Available in 10's, 100's, or 1000's.

Candle Safety Label

Large Melt Safety Sticker

The Wax Melt warning stickers have the same professional look as the candle labels and come in the same two sizes. Click on the image to get a larger view. The large labels have a diameter of 50mm.

Wax Melt Safety Label

Small Melt Safety Sticker

The Wax Melt label has a warning with usage information, as well as burning instructions. The small labels have a diameter of 32mm. Available in 10's, 100's, or 1000's.

Wax Melt Safety Label